Join SonexAus

SonexAus – Join SonexAus How to join SonexAus
Membership of SonexAus Incorporated costs $10 per calendar year. This is a nominal fee and we don’t have prorata membership arrangement. Your fees go to paying for the costs of running SonexAus:

  • website and domain name costs (so far we have paid nothing for this site, but when we can afford it, we intend to upgrade our web presence)
  • publicity banners and flyers
  • Flyin costs
  • Tool pool costs (usually it is ‘user pays’ but not always)
  • amazing and exciting new things….we haven’t thought of any yet, but we have only been going for six months as an official association.

SonexAus is incorporated in the State of Victoria as a not-for-profit association. We have an elected committee and Brian Ham is Treasurer.

If you would like to join, send an email to and pay ten dollars to our bank account:

Name: Sonex Aust Inc
BSB: 633 000
Act No.: 145783874

Make sure you include your name when you make the transfer.
